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Trade Expert 3.0
Why is the TE 3.0 the best for our network?
        Why do we love Trade Expert? The answer is in the graph! To the point a) we used the ATX trade script on our site, but we weren’t satisfied with the traffic distribution in ATX, therefore we've changed the ATX settings several times in hope to achieve better results. We wanted to trade our traffic by the VALUE (outs / trade clicks), which is one of the best methods for efficient traffic trading. As you can see in the graph, we couldn't set up ATX to do what we wanted. After about a week of slowly destroying our site, we were very angry and we switched to Trade Expert 2.2 - point b) in the graph.

        We tried TE just because of the Thumb Grabber module. I liked this feature on other sites, because it can help increase external productivity. After Installing TE 2.2, I was very surprised by the nice and useful interface, useful features and a lot of settings which we have never seen in any other trade scripts before.

        After installing TE, the traffic on my site started to increase much faster than before. A new version of Trade Expert has been released (TE 3.0) and it seems to me that Trade Expert is now really FAR ahead of the competition.
.... check the best trade script ....
Trade Expert